Hey Everyone,
I’m working from home for the foreseeable future and this means more availability. I’ve been trying to think of how or what I can do to help more people in my community. I’m offering my time free to anyone in my network who has any financial concerns or who would like financial guidance on how to make the most of the market pullback. No obligation, no fee or cost, simply want to be a resource.
If you’re unsure about what to do with bills message me. If you’re unsure about what to do about your retirement accounts message me. You can private message me, no pitches.
I will be allocating up to 90 minutes of every working day until calm and normalcy have been restored for these conversations.
I’m super appreciative that my financial advisor mentors gave me this idea and hope that others see this and are inspired to help their communities in whatever way they can.
Steve Schwalje | Financial Advisor
30 International Drive, Suite 101 Portsmouth, NH 03801
P: 603.818.0855 | F: 603.570.2098
CA License: 0M94332