The Newmarket Business Association resulted from the need of business members, residents, and town government to facilitate the establishment and success of businesses within the town.

We work directly with the town administration and the Community Development Corporation to promote Newmarket to existing and potential businesses. A key element in attracting a new business is the success of businesses that already exist in Newmarket.

Many municipalities in New Hampshire have chambers of commerce and local officials whose sole function is to bring new business into their community. These municipalities market themselves aggressively and work hard to cut down on the costly “red-tape” many businesses encounter when establishing themselves within a community. These efforts result in tax dollars that fund schools as well as municipal services. Newmarket can accomplish this as well, with a little additional work.



Supporting local businesses will help attract new ones and help reduce the proportion of taxes currently levied on residential housing. Businesses require little in the way of services, but provide much in the way of wages and tax revenues.

We ask that you consider *our member businesses* when making your buying decisions! When we keep our money in the local economy, it fuels local jobs, as well as better education and town services. The members of the Newmarket Business Association are proud to call Newmarket their home and are joining together with the community and the government to make it an even better place to live and work.

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Below is the list of our current Board of Directors. If you’re interested in serving on the Board and want to find out more, please feel free to contact us for further details.

President: Kat Roedell, Stonehouse Consulting Group

Vice President: Michael Queene, The Pines

Treasurer: Priscilla Carpenter, Seacoast Bookkeeping

Lead Ambassador/Director: Karen Schuster, Eagle-Eye-Editing, LLC

Administrative Director:  Kaitlyn Ferreti, The Tipsy Tabby

Director: Amy Hammershoy, Edward Jones

Director: Michael Provost, Newmarket Historical Society

Advisor: Aimee Gigandet (non-voting), Newmarket Recreation Department



Below is the list of our current Ambassadors. If you would like to learn more, please feel free to contact us for further details.

Karen Schuster, Eagle Eye Editing

Kaitlyn Ferretti–The Tipsy Tabby

Cheryl McGrath–The Pines